People who use cadmium batteries, or lead-acid batteries, rarely realize the threat that these batteries ultimately pose to the environment. For example, did you know that as recently as the year 2009, the European Union banned the nickel-cadmium battery?
Of course, the nickel-metal hydride battery has been developed, which is a little safer than the nickel-cadmium battery, but no similar replacement has been developed for the lead-acid battery, which is potentially just as dangerous as the nickel-cadmium, if not more so.
And, of course, there's the lithium-ion battery, which is not classified as being too hazardous, but then consider the amount of lithium-ion batteries that are being used in the world today - virtually every mobile phone or laptop, or camera, is being powered by these devices, which makes them a considerable threat to the environment as well.
So how do we handle this?
The solution to this problem is, obviously, to recover or recondition existing batteries that appear to have failed. This was believed to be impossible, but it turns out that it not only can be done, but is relatively easy to do.
Many batteries can be reconditioned several times, and each time a battery is reconditioned, it means that one more battery doesn't have to be produced.
If you take a lead-acid battery, and if you recondition it four times in the course of its active life, thereby extending its active life four times, you ensure that three lead-acid batteries do not have to be produced, and later do not have to be disposed off.
And if that isn't preserving the environment, what is?
Battery reconditioning is big business
Yes, battery reconditioning is big business today, and there are massive corporations that buy tons of these batteries and then check them, analyze them, and recondition the great majority of them before reselling them.
While a large corporation can do this, what you may not realize is that you can do the same in the safety of your home. Whether you happen to use a lead-acid battery, or a nickel-cadmium, or a nickel-metal hydride, or even a lithium-ion battery, there are specific reconditioning procedures for each type of battery, and with the right knowledge, you could recondition and bring back to active life virtually any kind of battery there is on the market today.
So, what sort of volumes are these new green corporations handling?
Well, it's a fact that some large reconditioning centers can handle hundreds of thousands of batteries every month. Most of these restored batteries work quite as well as brand new products just off the shelf and have an excellent track record.
Batteries are made redundant while still in working order!
The situation is actually worse than it appears, when you realize that many manufacturers in high-priority fields, such as healthcare power backups, mandate a change of the battery every two years. You can imagine that this results in many batteries being replaced that have no reason to be.
The best way that you can help the situation is to recondition your own batteries at home and so make your own contribution to the planetary environment.
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